Year end Brand Audit to assess and plan the Brand Growth

Year end Brand Audit to assess and plan the Brand Growth

By on Nov 9, 2021 in Brand Strategy, Communication Strategy, Marketing

52 Days to 2022. 

Some of us can’t wait for the new year. Others are reflecting on what went good or bad. Most of us are trying to meet the deadlines and catching up with work.

Year end is the time to reflect, audit and improvise on what we did right and what offers a scope for improvement.

Brand audits are powerful. Audits provide an in-depth look into your business. It’s current market position and effectiveness. It is also a tool that helps you check your efforts. The brand perception in the eyes of your audience to pointing out the shortcomings, inconsistencies and gaps. 

A year end brand audit helps the teams discover flaws. It paves the way to improvise the brand elements. Start with digital campaigns, communication – strategy, visual or designs. An audit helps assess the internal and external processes. that include customer life cycles. Also that define brand experiences from sales coordination to customer life cycles.

Elements of a typical year end brand audit should include,

  • Customer / Audience surveys
  • Analysing the Google Analytics
  • Social Media Analytics and Engagement reviews
  • Evaluate Competition

Once you complete the audit and assess the year long brand activities, take up the potential changes with a focus group.

A focus group can be about a core business team, brand, legal and even customer sales department, ranging from business to business.

Here’s the 5 Step Action Plan, I recommend after the ultimate year end brand audit:

  1. Make a list of areas that need adjustments, minor tweaks to major rehaul.
  2. Categorize those as, Impact / Growth / Brand or Revenue.
  3. Highlight those which are DIY tweaks, add them to your calendar with a deadline.
  4. Delegate the rest and invest your remaining days of the year to improvise the brand.
  5. Enter the new year with a better and improvise action plan for brand growth.

If you need help with the brand audit or the improvised action plan for the new year, Connect with Brand Strategist

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