Start-up Branding!

While working on several brands – I have always been asking clients in brainstorming sessions, what are you looking for, A Product Brand or a Corporate Brand? Many a times – we discussed of a Service Brand. Well! We need not just define among the popular 2 types – product& corporate. May be that’s because what most of us learn at B-schools and Brand papers (newspapers)
Having worked on start-ups & re-launches, I have been thinking why not a Company Brand. What brand we actually want to create? In a typical start-up all one is looking for is – A Company Brand. But does that mean we are feared of a conflict with our personal brand
Most of the start-ups, if they are service based – worry about being tagged as a Personal Brand. In a start-up it is very important that we take care of both – personal brand & company brand
Remember – a brand matters. In whichever way, whatever stage – how you project yourself, your credentials (I dint say qualifications), achievements everything counts! Yes, in the beginning it is always the personal brand. It is the personal brand – which is an expert who is hired and it is the company brand which is being established and will further grow to become a Business Brand
For a Personal Brand – both over promise & over pricing is highly dangerous
Start-ups always fear this. Initially, it is you-yourself who is getting business and creating worth for the company so you need to be extremely careful with what promise you make, what price you charge. Competitive Pricing is good. It saves us from being arrogant & exploited both
Remember – whatever you are doing with a brand, creating it, developing it, designing it, writing customer connect strategies or just working on its inception with a business plan, you need to be clear of its essence and you should remember that it must create value. Value Creation would create your brand – the company brand
Any start-up shall remember, that ‘Brands’ matter; big or Small, New or Old, Refreshed or Re-launched, if you are a brand – people seek value. Always pay attention to the character of your business, the industry reactions, the changes expected and technology involved. Be good to what you are doing. Stay alert & informed, love your work and be honest to your client. Create Brand Goals and live them
So what is your start-up brand?