Rebranding Mukand’s Jewellery: Tradition Meets Modern Design

Rebranding, Visual Communication and In-Store Design for a Local Jewellery Brand

Client Overview:

Mukand’s Jewellery, a traditional business house with a rich legacy, aspired to join the giants of the branded jewellery sector. Based in the blue city of Rajasthan, Jodhpur, they aimed to appeal to modern customers by offering a retail experience focused on choices, convenience, and contemporary designs, all while preserving their traditional legacy.


The primary challenge was to seamlessly integrate the new aspirations of the brand with its decades-old heritage. This involved creating a cohesive brand communication strategy and an appealing retail store interior that resonated with both the local community and a broader audience.


To meet these objectives, we implemented a comprehensive branding and marketing strategy, focusing on both the brand messaging in visual aesthetics and the in-store branding:

Brand Communication Design

  • Developed a brand communication strategy that blended the traditional values of Mukand’s Jewellery with contemporary aspirations.
  • Created a visually appealing and coherent brand identity that reflected the brand’s rich heritage and modern outlook.

Retail Store Design

  • Designed the interiors of the retail store, including the reception area, customer traffic areas, lobby, and lifts, ensuring a luxurious and welcoming ambiance.
  • Integrated traditional elements with modern design to create a unique shopping experience that appealed to both long-standing customers and new clients.

Promotional Marketing Design

  • Developed elegant and functional shopping bags and packaging for jewellery boxes, enhancing the overall customer experience.
  • Designed impactful outdoor advertising for the city of Jodhpur, including newspaper ads and magazine placements, increasing brand visibility and attracting potential customers.
  • Created engaging in-store elements such as lift panels and counter photo-ops, ensuring a cohesive brand presence throughout the shopping experience.
  • Implemented WhatsApp messages for direct communication and engagement with customers, fostering a more personal connection with the brand.

Mukand's Jewellery


Our comprehensive approach to branding transformed Mukand’s Jewellery into a compelling presence in Jodhpur’s jewellery market. The revitalised brand identity, including cohesive store aesthetics, resonated strongly with customers, bridging the gap between tradition and modernity. The tailored promotional materials, from personalised invites, and shopping bags to outdoor hoardings, not only enhanced brand visibility but also significantly boosted customer engagement. The successful launch campaign and refined store experience generated substantial local interest, establishing Mukand’s Jewellery as a traditional brand that is ready to update itself as per customer preferences and market trends.


The successful rebranding of Mukand’s Jewellery underscores the power of a well-executed branding strategy. By merging the company’s rich heritage with contemporary design elements, we positioned them as a formidable player in the organised jewellery retail industry.
This case study exemplifies how thoughtful branding and strategic local marketing initiatives can drive significant change in brand perception, leverage business growth and create a lasting impact in a competitive market.

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