Build your Event right – Leverage your Brand

Brands that communicate well always leave a mark and lead to a great recall. But with the influx of brands, so much of communication about each of it on the several media’s it becomes significant to reach out to the consumers. The touch-points are increasing everyday and with the media impact increasing multi-fold, it is important for brands to keep consistency in marketing efforts. LIVE Events certainly come as one of the most effective tool.
And connecting LIVE is cool, effective and leads to communication, advertisement and most importantly-feedback. That is why Events are becoming important – especially with the products/services which are about involvement and carry a lot of touch & feel aspect.
Like a Brand, your Event too needs to have some Unique Identity. Something exciting, something relevant, something eventful and something beneficial – your event needs it all.
So, what could be the ways to build connect to your event, which shall eventually leverage your brand.
Name it Right!
Like it is for any brand, your events name also matters a lot. Who would go to an event which has got an uninteresting name? In fact, many won’t even be excited about the invite itself.
Check out the names, Sunburn Delhi, Buzzintown, Bridal Asia, Fashionweek – they define the purpose of the event and reach out straight to the right audience. The name reaches to the target segment and sets the brand right.
You need to work on the event elements – the theme, the colors, the graphic ads, the positioning and the communication. The approach has to be right and audible. To understand it better – think of the college events – the General Knowledge event and the cultural ones. The colors, the cut-outs, and the copy everything counts. You can’t have a sincere line for a ‘Pit-bull’ Event. It has to be young, loud and vibrant.
Venue – is another significant element. It is very much a part of strategy when it comes to finalizing the venue for the event. The household exhibitions shall be organized at the most convenient locations of the city, the luxury events should be scheduled at the premium locations. Similarly – the networking events need a cheerful venue probably in the heart of city. Location sets the stage, marks an image for the event.
Little Things count in Larger Events
Event is a lot about detailing. How you invite, how you greet, what is the welcome note and how is the hospitality been taken care of – everything counts in an event. Your live event – speaks to the consumer eye in eye. What is the temperature of drinks served and if the tea was offered in right time matters too.
How your brand looks and how it is seen- counts. Have you planned some return gifts? Are they upto the mark? I hope you thought about the brand recall in the event gifts. All these little things add up to the Personality of the event.
Digital Presence
Digital Enthusiasm about your event is important. It also counts for the brand presence online. How engaging you are? Check out the invites; check the click through about the event. Track them and track popularity of the event. See what the customers are talking about, scan if they have queries. Talk to the followers throughout the event, the beginning, the present and if there are any surprises in the event. Marketing for the participants also give a great push to the brand. It builds a positive image and strengthens credibility.
Use some of the tools like Buffer App, to keep the craze for event. You can also use Storify, website that uses hashtags to accumulate all the posts about your event hashtags in one place. These help in tracking the marketing efforts and gain the customer insights.
Online registration for events is a great success and is a preferred mode among attendees for most of the events.
Ultimately, offer something from your event – it could be networking, knowledge sharing, exclusive collections or just fun & entertainment. But to leverage the brand right through event – you need to offer something to take away. Shine through the events, make ideas happen.
1 Comment
Hi Jigyasa,
An event organized after considering all the above mentioned facets definitely creates impact on a brand.
In a money-intensive market where every penny counts, it is equally important to know how much the impact, an event creates on a brand and how the brand gets that leverage and to what extent.