Brand Smart – Gain the Cost Advantage

Why do we need cost advantage on Brand Ideas. It is been seen that business cannot be run without finances but at the same time, in this competitive scenario establishing a brand has become prime importance. You not only need to be heard and talked about but you also need to stand out visually.
Mind your Brand Strategy
Not many are way too much flexible about Brand Spend. Shelling out money for a brand building process is considered to be a difficult process especially when a promoter is churning out money for revenues. What should be the ideal way to gain a cost advantage on the branding exercise? Is there something like Smart Branding? Yes, you can have a brand designed smartly. Watch out on the elements, prioritize and act.
A Smart Brands works as per the business plan, the targets set and the target segment. It is not about what all you would like to do, but is all about what the consumers are looking for. As per that, they do the design plan.
A Smart Design
When you are designing a brand identity, you must keep in mind the operational costs which could be incurred on the same. You might love a 3D Design, a ten color job but right now, it is not the time to spend overtly on printing. So choose a design which had less operational costs involved. As even today not all businesses could be run online, we still need the offline materials to spread the word about brand.
Similarly, the brand collaterals need not be too high on design as that would only increase the cost of printing for the same.
Adopt Sharp Marketing
Few of my clients, wanted to do everything on their own. They couldn’t agree to the idea of collaborative marketing or brand promotions through social media which is cheaper than the traditional above the line ways of marketing & promotions.
While doing the Brand Design, they worked on the phase II and III of business strategy without establishing the business on the terms of brand visibility and reach. Getting the designs ready and not able to execute the plans of those designs never go in the favor of business. One must adopt to smart ways of promotions, collaborative ways for selling, tie-up with other brands and spend more time on action then planning the future.
Plan the present, prioritize and act. Make smart moves – be it design, website or communication. Start Small but Start Smart.
Do not exaggerate. Avoid Overselling.
It is quite human to get excited and kicked about the new venture. I am not against dreaming big but I surely advocate starting small. And that is why a brand shall be positioned as per the target, capacity and capability. We cannot keep on comparing ourselves with the world’s best company and create a clone. One needs to stay grounded and act. Sometimes, this excitement leads to an Exaggerated Brand and its identity starts overselling the capacities and this many a times leads to failure, we tend to lose clients and their faith. It straight away casts a negative reflection on the Brand Credibility and that is the loss. Remember, it isn’t easy to start afresh but it is necessary to establish the brand and its credentials. And then you create advocates.
In an ideal situation, a brand shall invest more in –
- Developing Services
- Analyzing the needs and creating an Offer
- Managing Portfolio and expanding it
- Target Great testimonials, create Brand Advocates
- Innovative Ideas and Timely Delivery
- Smart Brand Goals
These shall be better worked on and are worthy of your time. Create meaningful brands and build trust.